
The sea should be a safe and accessible space for all.
Sadly, many people experience trauma in the sea - especially those who are forced to cross it to seek safety.
Hostile, anti-refugee policies and the lack of safe routes to seek asylum have made the sea a place of great danger for many.
Alongside working with those who have experienced dangerous crossings, we continue to campaign for safe passage, freedom of movement and the right to refuge.
We've created a hub to support and share the work of campaigns or organisations who work to promote safe passage, no deaths at sea and fair, welcoming asylum policies.

The Royal National Lifeboat Institution is a British charity which has been saving lives at sea for almost two hundred years. Amongst many other things, they help rescue asylum-seekers crossing the Channel.

alarm phone is a network of actors that monitor hotlines for those in distress at sea, primarily for people on the move at european borders.

Sea Watch is a German rescue boat organisation as well as a lobby group for humane asylum policies in the German political scene.

the safe passage foundation is a funding body which provides organisations and projects working against hostile borders with grants.

BVMN is a horizontal network of organisations working across the balkan region and greece to monitor violence and pushbacks at european borders.

borderline europe is an ngo which, through independent investigations and public relations work, advocates the protection of human rights, particularly at borders.